hmm, on Mon, Mar 27, 2006 at 10:24:36AM +0200, Taco Hoekwater said that
* Good spellchecking, including private and special-purpose dicts. * A re-wrap paragraph implementation that leaves lines that do not start with alphanumerics alone * support for different input encodings, notably utf-8 and iso-latinX * CRLF/LF/CR conversions * regular expression search (&replace) * configurable syntax highlighting * adjustable font size * support for large (log) files (>100MB) * rectangle selection * difference checking
before this degenerates into a bloody emacs vs vim flame war :) vim can do all this and more. just as emacs. i am a long time (what's it now, 9 or 10yrs) very happy vim user so i can comment on vim. there is quite a number of extensions for tex/latex for vim on vim.org ranging from silly macros to complete suits with integrated latex help using make for stepping thru all the errors generated by the engines. and one can always write one's own macros if nothing is suitable :) people on the vim mailing list are more than friendly and literally starved for challenges :) having said that i am a new context user and i don't know if there's something specifically for context. -f -- to have a friend you must first be one.