Dear posse, 1. With footnotes, is there yet a way to define the starting numeral-mark? Say, I want my first footnote incremented so that the first notemark is , not `1' then `2', but `1234' then `1235', etc. 2. I tried a workaround: ======================= \defineconversion[set1234][1234] \setupfootnotes [conversion=set 1234] ======================= but a spurious numeral `1' gets typeset alongside the notemark. What am I missing? Finally, the ConTeXt footnote mechanism does not (afaik) take into account superior numerals. We need a setup option, e.g. ======================= \setupfootnotes [numeral=superior]%inferior, normal, with % normal as default ======================= to cut off the mechanism for automatically raising and reducing the size of the numeral (\high I presume). Yes, there is the empty (text)command=<empty> trick, but to use superior numerals all this should not be necessary. Thnx as always Idris ============================ Professor Idris Samawi Hamid Department of Philosophy Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523