Thanks to all of you who gave attention to my problem. It was caused by something very stupid: a copy of some cont-sys.tex file was left about in same directory as my test file. After removing it, everything went fine. A suggestion for Hans: wouldn't it be a good idea to insert the following lines into the readme.txt file of It informs the user that should also be downloaded and unzipped into the proper subdirectory. Or even better, can't you include the cont-lmt files into in order to make points 3 and 4 superfluous? Installation of the minimal ConTeXt distribution for Windows: 1. Download from Pragma 2. Unzip into C:\ (all files and directories are now under C:\tex) 3. Download from Pragma 4. Unzip into C:\tex\texmf-fonts 5. Start a CMD shell and run the commands: > cd c:\tex > setuptex.bat > mktexlsr > texexec --make --alone nl en metafun "C:\" can be replaced by any other (sub)directory name Sytse Knypstra