On 27 Aug 2018, at 14:14, Mikael P. Sundqvist
wrote: Hi!
I am writing notes for my teaching and would like to do the following with modes:
* If the file is compiled with context file.tex then everything (i.e. the content in all modes) is typeset. * If the file is compiled with context --mode=test1 file.tex then only mode test1 is typeset.
I do not see how to do this easily.
This is what I would do if the list of modes is small: \doifnotmode{test1}{\enablemode[test1,test2]} (and don’t use the \definemode lines) But if you need many of them, that could get problematic with many nested \doifmodeelse statements. In that case, I would use a separate ‘all’ mode, and call the context script with that as argument in the generic case. %%% file.tex \starttext \startmode[test1,all] We are in mode test1. \stopmode \startmode[test2,all] We are in mode test2. \stopmode \stoptext %%% Best wishes, Taco Taco Hoekwater Elvenkind BV