Am 04.07.2011 um 14:58 schrieb Cecil Westerhof:
2011/7/4 Cecil Westerhof
2011/7/4 Wolfgang Schuster Attached a tex and a pdf file. It shows the original and your solution, but also the preferred solution. (But hard coded, not with a macro.) Would it be possible to get the preferred solution in a macro?
Tell ConTeXt where is should break the line with “\\”.
\MVCa{usedmodel}{firstViewFromSeveral\\ secondViewFromSeveral\\ thirthViewFromSeveral\\ fourthViewFromSeveral}{usedController}
Thanks. In the dummy.tex it works. In my own document it does not. Looks like I changed something in my environment. Have to find out what.
It is not in my environment. The use of \completecontent wreck havoc on this. See the attachments.
This is *not* a minimal working example, neither it’s minimal nor it’s working. You can fix this by replacing the \\ with \crlf to add a linebreak in the entries: \define[3]\MVC {\starttabulate[|l|lp|] \NC Model: \NC #1 \NC\NR \NC View: \NC #2 \NC\NR \NC Controller: \NC #3 \NC\NR \stoptabulate} \starttext \MVC{usedmodel}{firstViewFromSeveral\crlf secondViewFromSeveral\crlf thirthViewFromSeveral\crlf fourthViewFromSeveral}{usedController} \completecontent \MVC{usedmodel}{firstViewFromSeveral\crlf secondViewFromSeveral\crlf thirthViewFromSeveral\crlf fourthViewFromSeveral}{usedController} \stoptext Wolfgang