Hi, I added som changes in lang-ger.tex some week ago. As I mentioned I forgot one headtext in lang-ger.tex. \setupheadtext [\s!sv] [\v!inhoud=Inneh\aring l] should have one more l, that is: \setupheadtext [\s!sv] [\v!inhoud=Inneh\aring ll] I also read in lang-ger.tex that there are some \definesortkey's for the norwegian language. I don't know why they are commented out (obsolete?). I tried to uncomment them and make a register that contains these additional letters (\aa,\ae,\o) but they still end up before A in the index. If they are correct for the norwegian language, then the swedish counterparts should look like this: %% SWEDISH % % These three letters (in this order) are the % last in the swedish alphabet (and hence should % come after z in the latin alphabet). % I'm not sure about the syntax for % \definesortkey so I left some of it open ... % % \startlanguagespecifics[\s!sv] % % \definesortkey {\aring}{z}{b}{\aring} % \definesortkey {\Aring}{z}{b}{\Aring} % \definesortkey {\aumlaut}{z}{c}{\aumlaut} % \definesortkey {\Aumlaut}{z}{c}{\Aumlaut} % \definesortkey {\oumlaut}{z}{d}{\oumlaut} % \definesortkey {\Oumlaut}{z}{d}{\Oumlaut} % % \stoplanguagespecifics I also saw this with activecharacters... The swedish counterpart should here be: % \startencoding[texnansi] % \startlanguagespecifics[\s!sv]% % \defineactivecharacter å {\aring{}} % \defineactivecharacter Å {\Aring{}} % \defineactivecharacter ä {\aumlaut{}} % \defineactivecharacter Ä {\Aumlaut{}} % \defineactivecharacter ö {\oumlaut{}} % \defineactivecharacter Ö {\Oumlaut{}} % \stoplanguagespecifics % \stopencoding At last, some questions: 1) How should I do to get Å,Ä,Ö last in the index? 2) I can't make the example on page 236 of the MetaFun manual (the one with a framed text with the Zapf (1) label). I use the following code: \startuseMPgraphic{FunnyFrame} picture p; numeric w, h, o; p:=textext.rt(\MPstring{FunnyFrame}) ; w:=OverlayWidth; h:=OverlayHeight; o:=BodyFontSize; p:=p shifted (2o,h-ypart center p); draw p; drawoptions (widhpen pencircle scaled 1pt); draw (2o,h)--(0,h)--(0,0)--(w,0)--(w,h)--(xpart urcorner p,h); draw boundingbox p; setbounds currentpicture to unitsquare xyscaled(w,h); \stopuseMPgraphic \defineoverlay[FunnyFrame][\useMPgraphic{FunnyFrame}] \defineframedtext[FunnyText][frame=off,background=FunnyFrame,width=fit] \def\StartFrame{\startFunnyText} \def\StopFrame{\stopFunnyText} \def\FrameTitle#1% {\setMPtext{FunnyFrame}{\hbox spread 1em{\hss\strut#1\hss}}} \setMPtext{FunnyFrame}{}% Initiate. Instead of the text in the label box I get the text "unknown". I type \FrameTitle{Test} \StartFrame This is just a test. \StopFrame Regards, Micke P