Hi Hans (and all), I have difficulties with [force,here] floats. Even if such floats are something a bit degraded, they occured in publication text and they should be handled correctly. I am sorry I do not send a minimal example, but the minimal example from me would be XML + XML mapping + some included tex files and styles; and these together are really not minimal example... I hope I succeed with text description :-) The description: -- subject disallows page breaks after self and recommends page break before self (\goodbreak), -- the first page fills up with title, subject A + paragraphs, second subject B + [force]-float, -- which produces three pages: the *first* correctly ended (before subject B); the *second* with subject B only and the *third* with the [force]-float and the rest of the text. This is bad, as the [force]-float should be placed immediately after subject B onto the same (second) page. The tracing pages reports for this case, the ### lines are my comments: ... % t=378.42076 plus 53.50006 minus 13.50006 g=526.37599 b=2111 p=0 c=2111# % t=389.22081 plus 53.50006 minus 13.50006 g=526.37599 b=1681 p=0 c=1681# % t=400.02086 plus 53.50006 minus 13.50006 g=526.37599 b=1314 p=0 c=1314# % t=410.8209 plus 53.50006 minus 13.50006 g=526.37599 b=1005 p=2000 c=3005 % t=421.62096 plus 53.50006 minus 13.50006 g=526.37599 b=748 p=-500 c=248# subject : - Ozna?ení a význam svorek #### here the [force] float starts, it is a table, so ModulePins is used more times figures : dimensions of img/ModulePins.pdf loaded from figurefile itself figures : figureobject ModulePins.pdf is reused figures : figureobject ModulePins.pdf is reused floatblocks : order disturbed % t=897.74492 plus 56.20007 minus 16.20007 g=526.37599 b=* p=-500 c=* #### now the first page is too high -- and it will be break in c=248 (which is #### \goodbreak before subject interaction : pdftex code inserted [1.1{d:/TeXLocal/Private/fonts/map/pdftex/updmap/pdftex.map}{d:/TeXLocal/Privat e/fonts/map/private.map}{d:/TeXLocal/Private/fonts/map/adobe.map}{d:/TeXLocal/P rivate/fonts/map/stormtype.map}{d:/TeXLocal/Private/fonts/map/microsoft.map}{d: /TeXLocal/Private/fonts/map/suitcase.map}] %% goal height=526.37599, max depth=3.19995 % t=465.13591 plus 40.0 g=526.37599 b=357 p=-500 c=-143# #### the page 1 is flushed, 465 pts rests, this is subject B + [force]-float. #### But \OTRONEdocheckiffloatfits finds the float cannot be placed and, moreover, #### it prepares \goodbreak before it. floatblocks : order disturbed floatblocks : 3 saved % t=465.13591 plus 40.0 g=526.37599 b=357 p=-500 c=-143# % t=465.13591 plus 40.0 g=526.37599 b=357 p=0 c=357 subject : - Parametry modulu % t=505.02203 plus 44.05002 minus 4.05002 g=526.37599 b=11 p=0 c=11 % t=530.67215 plus 45.40002 minus 5.40002 g=526.37599 b=50 p=0 c=50 % t=545.52222 plus 46.75003 minus 6.75003 g=526.37599 b=* p=0 c=* [2.2] #### This goodbreak leads to break candidate with cost=-143 and #### HERE the second page is broken. And the float is saved and placed #### now onto the third page. floatblocks : 3 moved %% goal height=526.37599, max depth=3.19995 % t=0.0 g=359.6518 b=10000 p=0 c=100000# % t=30.78607 plus 41.35 minus 1.35 g=359.6518 b=10000 p=0 c=100000# ... By tweaking into \OTRONEdocheckiffloatfits, I found there is the line: % new per 31/5/2004, should be an option, only one column mode which creates \goodbreak. But I seems to me this \goodbreak should be generated only if there is a room for the float? It the room is not here -- which leads to float save -- the break causes unexpected page breaks. For second -- it seems to me the checking of room for float in described case counts the float size twice -- the float is counted inside \pagetotal of page material pending from the overfilled page 1 and for second its dimension is counted again with second call. For third -- the described behaviour saves float even if it can be correctly placed in currently filled page, so the float is pulled up from [force,here] positioning and it starts flow -- but this is not proper behaviour for such float. As a result, IMHO (which can be completly bad, I really do not known all the consequencies and mechanisms of ConTeXt) it should be corrected using following way: 1. \OTRONEdocheckiffloatfits (and maybe another OTR routines) should respect the float is [force,here]. For such floats the routine *always* should set \roomforfloattrue and *not to* generate \goodbreak, as [force,here] floats should be left to be placed by normal page builder TeX mechanism. 2. \goodbreak in % new per 31/5... block should be generated only if the float is placed -- if it is saved, the break corresponding to the float should not appear without the float. 3. maybe implement the option for \goodbreak :-) But there I cannot say more, because I do not know the primary motivation. I experimented with \OTRONEdocheckiffloatfits in desribed case -- after forcing the routine to set \roomforfloattrue and removing \goodbreak, the pages are break *exactly* as one (and me too :-) expects: % t=378.42076 plus 53.50006 minus 13.50006 g=526.37599 b=2111 p=0 c=2111# % t=389.22081 plus 53.50006 minus 13.50006 g=526.37599 b=1681 p=0 c=1681# % t=400.02086 plus 53.50006 minus 13.50006 g=526.37599 b=1314 p=0 c=1314# % t=410.8209 plus 53.50006 minus 13.50006 g=526.37599 b=1005 p=2000 c=3005 % t=421.62096 plus 53.50006 minus 13.50006 g=526.37599 b=748 p=-500 c=248# subject : - Ozna?ení a význam svorek figures : dimensions of img/ModulePins.pdf loaded from figurefile itself figures : figureobject ModulePins.pdf is reused figures : figureobject ModulePins.pdf is reused floatblocks : order disturbed floatblocks : 3 placed % t=618.06926 plus 58.90009 minus 18.90009 g=526.37599 b=* p=0 c=* interaction : pdftex code inserted #### the first page without float [1.1{d:/TeXLocal/Private/fonts/map/pdftex/updmap/pdftex.map}{d:/TeXLocal/Privat e/fonts/map/private.map}{d:/TeXLocal/Private/fonts/map/adobe.map}{d:/TeXLocal/P rivate/fonts/map/stormtype.map}{d:/TeXLocal/Private/fonts/map/microsoft.map}{d: /TeXLocal/Private/fonts/map/suitcase.map}] %% goal height=526.37599, max depth=3.19995 % t=185.46025 plus 42.70001 minus 2.70001 g=526.37599 b=10000 p=0 c=100000# % t=189.51028 plus 44.05002 minus 4.05002 g=526.37599 b=10000 p=-500 c=100000# % t=189.51028 plus 44.05002 minus 4.05002 g=526.37599 b=10000 p=0 c=100000# subject : - Parametry modulu % t=229.39641 plus 48.10004 minus 8.10004 g=526.37599 b=10000 p=0 c=100000# % t=255.04652 plus 49.45004 minus 9.45004 g=526.37599 b=10000 p=0 c=100000# #### the second page including the float and the following text. That is all, have a nice day, Martin