2007/6/15, Peter Rolf
Hi Dave,
I don't know enough about it, to give you a clean solution. Just ignore the rest, if someone gives a better (more general) solution.
Dave schrieb:
Hi all,
I am trying to add footnotes to a table but need for them to be aligned on the left (flush) edge of the table. I've tried everything I can think of but I'm stuck (with deadlines looming). Below is a quick example....
Many thanks, Dave
Hi David, Peter gave you the first hint with the width-key in \framed and the \hbox. I can give a better solution for your problem but you have to write the commands in the right way to get it working, what I mean is you should put braces around \placelegend. \defineframed[noteframed] \setupframed [noteframed] [width=\hsize, align=right, %height=fit, top=\hbox\bgroup, bottom=\egroup] \starttext \startlocalfootnotes[n=0] \placetable {Caption} {\placelegend {\bTABLE[width=6cm] \bTR\bTD A\footnote{a} \eTD\bTD B\footnote{b} \eTD\eTR \eTABLE} {\noteframed{\placelocalfootnotes}}} \stoplocalfootnotes \stoptext Wolfgang