Dear Wolfgang, first, I _really_ appreciate your effort. Unfortunately, for me \framed is not likely to do the job, as the header is a bit more complicated in real-life (I told you so ;-). And yes, actually, using framed had been my very first approach as the original LaTeX layout had been using \begin{picture} ... \end{picture}. Therefore, I thought at that time going the \framed route should do the trick.... Here is an (still simplified) example why I don't think it would \setuplayout[% width=160mm, topspace=10mm, header=35mm, headerdistance=5mm, ] \setuppagenumbering[location=] \setupheadertexts[\setups{pagehead}][][\setups{pagehead}][] \startsetups[pagehead] \setupframed[offset=3pt] \setupcombinations[distance=-\linewidth,width=160mm,align=no] \dontleavehmode \startcombination[3] {\framed[align={right,lohi},height=27mm,width=35mm\relax] { LOGO } } {\framed[align={right,lohi},width=35mm\relax] {left} } {\framed[align={middle,lohi},height=27mm,width=80mm\relax] {titel } } {\framed[align={middle,lohi},width=80mm\relax] {middle} } {\framed[align={right,lohi},height=27mm,width=45mm\relax] {other stuff} } {\framed[align={middle,lohi},width=45mm\relax] {Page:~\pagenumber\ of \lastpage}} \stopcombination \stopsetups \starttext \input knuth \stoptext Again, as I am still new to ConTeXt, there might be a way to get rid of the spaces between the frames, somehow. But I still would -- in the real version -- also need some extra alignments within some cells and in short this gets just more ugly with every further step. I also had been thinking about going the "metafun" route. However, I do need a simple, out of the box solution that even the greenest TeX newbie could use and setup on all sorts of OS's ... In short, I fear that is also not going to be a choice at the moment. Open to suggestions Yours Carsten Am 20.01.2008 um 17:18 schrieb Wolfgang Schuster:
next solution, framed:
\startsetups[pagehead] \setupframed[strut=no,offset=.5em,height=1cm] \dontleavehmode \framed[align={right,lohi},width=\dimexpr(\textwidth/7)*2+\linewidth \relax]{left} \hskip-\linewidth \framed[align={middle,lohi},width=\dimexpr(\textwidth/7)*3\relax] {middle} \hskip-\linewidth \framed[align={left,lohi},width=\dimexpr(\textwidth/7)*2+\linewidth \relax]{right} \stopsetups