Kerry Sainsbury schrieb am 30.10.2019 um 19:58:
Hi there,
I am a newbie, and have /seem/ to have discovered that
\setuppagenumbering [alternative=doublesided] generates a blank page between chapters.
\setuppagenumbering [alternative=doublesided,location={header,inmargin}]
\startchapter[title={October 2000}]
Blah One
\startchapter[title={November 2000}]
Blah Two
This produces a PDF in TeXworks containing 4 pages:
* Page 1 with a header an 'October 2000' header and 'Blah One' content * Page 2 with a header an 'October 2000' header only. * Page 3 with a header an 'November 2000' header and 'Blah Two' content * Page 4 which is completely blank
If I remove the \setuppagenumbering line the PDF contains just two pages, with the expected content.
I'm using "ConTeXt ver: 2019.10.11 15:47 MKIV beta fmt: 2019.10.25 int: english/english"
Am I doing something wrong, or is this just a bug?
With \setuppagenumbering[alternative=doublesided] you get a doublesided document with left and right pages. The default setting for chapters is to start always on a right page which can lead to empty left pages. The normal layout are single sided document (\setuppagenumbering[alternative=singlesided]) with right pages only which can't lead to empty pages unless you add an extra check at the begin of each chapter. There is also a third mode which creates the same layout on each page but you can checl for left and right pages, this mode is enabled with \setuppagenumber[alternative={singlesided,doublesided}]. Wolfgang