On Wed, 10 Dec 2003, David Arnold wrote:
I've recently installed tetex 2.0.2. I am having difficulty with Metapost [...] Now, when I compile, texexec seems to be invoked. Is this what happens on your systems? Is this correct behavior?
[darnold@ps-114a-2k darnold]$ mpost junk This is MetaPost, Version 0.641 (Web2C 7.4.5) (junk.mp TeXExec 4.0 - ConTeXt / PRAGMA ADE 1997-2003
It seems that somebody changed texmf.cnf, e.g. declaring here something like: TEX = context or, worse, changed makempx script. Anyway, tetex 2.0.2, as it is distributed is OK. I've observed that some Linux distributions provide changed tetex config files, not always in a happy way... I don't know how such situation could be cured, as packages are often not signed. The notable example is still not updated tetex in the _current_ RedHat9.0. It is still tetex 1.0.7, but broken in many parts. -- Staszek Wawrykiewicz StaW@gust.org.pl