Two questions about footnotes: 1. By default the footnote-number (now always speaking of the fn-numbers in the text, not at the buttom) appears in the same style, like the text. E.g.: \starttext {\it This was\footnote{And actually is.} my way of typesetting.} Is\footnote{Another fn.} this not beautiful? \stoptext You see, the first number is italic, the second normal. How can I force ALL fn-numbers to appear in normal style, independent from the textstyle of the text, they were set in? 2. I want to add a \narrownobreakspace before every footnote-number (because of the closing quotation marks, which often overlap with them, especially if they are set italic). One manual way would be this: Any text.\narrownobreakspace\footnote{fn} But how can I do it generally in the style-file? Is there something like a "before" key for the fn-numbers? Best would be, if this \narrownobreakspace would be only set, if an quotation mark comes directly before the fn-number. But I guess that is not easy, so the general solution would be ok, too. Huseyin