Hello, In my quest for tables similar to what the 'booktabs' package in LaTeX produces, I have run into a problem: something like '\bTABLE[distance=7.5pt]' will give me the sought for gaps in horizontal lines, but I have trouble implementing an uninterrupted topframe for the first and bottomframe for the last row. Is there any way of overriding the 'distance' parameter locally, so that for example the topframe of the first (header) row is uninterrupted, while the bottomframe comes with the 'distance' dictated gaps? For clarification see the attached file. While the gaps are desired for 'bottomframe' of the header row(s), the 'topframe' should be continuous. It would be even more marvelous if I could modify bottomframe- and topframe-rule thickness independently ... A recent proposal on this list to achieve the desired effect involved putting the whole table into a frame and displaying it's top- and bottomframe. However, that doesn't work for tables to be split over multiple pages and I'm hunting for the most generic of all mechanisms ... Thanks for any thoughts on this, Joh