Hi, Can you help me with the two examples below, and also tell me how I could have found out myself when it should have worked and when it shouldn't: because until now, it is a mix of wild guess and poor trial and error. %%%%%% First example %%%%%%% \starttext %% This example doesn't work anymore if I comment the %% indicated line below. \defineoverlay[my first overlay][\uniqueMPgraphic{first demo}] \defineoverlay[my fourth overlay][\positionoverlay{my backgraphics}] \startpositionoverlay{my backgraphics} \setMPpositiongraphic{three}{mypos:circle}{mypos:circleradius=1cm,mypos:circlecolor=red} \setMPpositiongraphic{three}{mypos:circle}{mypos:circleradius=.5cm,mypos:circlecolor=green} \stoppositionoverlay \setupbackgrounds[paper][background={ my first overlay, %% Doesn't work anymore if I comment this line. my fourth overlay}] % These two lines can be removed without consequences \startuniqueMPgraphic{first demo} \stopuniqueMPgraphic \startMPpositiongraphic{mypos:circle} % absolute coordinates relative to paper by default? numeric x, y, w, h, d, radius; x = \MPx{\MPvar{self}}; y = \MPy{\MPvar{self}}; w = \MPw{\MPvar{self}}; radius = \MPvar{mypos:circleradius}; color c; c = \MPvar{mypos:circlecolor}; path p ; p = (x+w/2+radius,y)..(x+w/2,y+radius)..(x+w/2-radius,y) ..(x+w/2,y-radius)..cycle; drawarrow p withpen pencircle scaled 2pt withcolor c; \stopMPpositiongraphic have attached it: \hpos{three}{{\em here}}, the \stoptext %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%% Second example %%%%%%%% \starttext %% This example doesn't work. Though it looks very much like the previous one. %% The overlay is attached to the backgound of a framed instead of to the %% background of the page. \defineoverlay[my first overlay][\uniqueMPgraphic{first demo}] \defineoverlay[my fourth overlay][\positionoverlay{my backgraphics}] \startpositionoverlay{my backgraphics} \setMPpositiongraphic{three}{mypos:circle}{mypos:circleradius=1cm,mypos:circlecolor=red} \setMPpositiongraphic{three}{mypos:circle}{mypos:circleradius=.5cm,mypos:circlecolor=green} \stoppositionoverlay % These two lines can be removed without consequences \startuniqueMPgraphic{first demo} \stopuniqueMPgraphic \startMPpositiongraphic{mypos:circle} % absolute coordinates relative to paper by default? numeric x, y, w, h, d, radius; x = \MPx{\MPvar{self}}; y = \MPy{\MPvar{self}}; w = \MPw{\MPvar{self}}; radius = \MPvar{mypos:circleradius}; color c; c = \MPvar{mypos:circlecolor}; path p ; p = (x+w/2+radius,y)..(x+w/2,y+radius)..(x+w/2-radius,y) ..(x+w/2,y-radius)..cycle; drawarrow p withpen pencircle scaled 2pt withcolor c; \stopMPpositiongraphic \framed [ background=my first overlay,my fourth overlay,align=middle,width=7cm] { have attached it: \hpos{three}{{\em here}}, the} \stoptext %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Regards, Chris