desdechaves@gmail.com schrieb am 11.10.2024 um 13:41:
Yes, that's exactly what I'm looking for. However, regarding multiple-choice questions, I would like the options to appear simply as A) rather than 1.1.1.A).
Don't use the "repeat" option when you don't want repeated counter values.
Additionally, Is it possible to display each digit of the item numbering in boxes, similar to the style used in Pearson exams? Example: |1|.|1|."
This requires a custom number conversion, the following example works only for single digits only. %%%% begin example \define[1]\BoxedNumber {\inframed[width=3ex]{\convertnumber{n}{#1}}} \defineconversion [BoxedNumber] [\BoxedNumber] \starttext \startitemize[BoxedNumber,fit,repeat][stopper=,distance=\spaceamount] \item xxx \startitemize[BoxedNumber,fit][stopper=,distance=\spaceamount] \item xxx \stopitemize \stopitemize \stoptext %%%% end example
Like this: https://filestore.aqa.org.uk/sample-papers-and-mark-schemes/2023/june/AQA-74...
For question blocks like here you want to use an enumeration environment rather than itemize. Wolfgang