Hi, Hans helped me out with some asciidoc processing a while ago. I played a bit further, but I'm currently facing two minor issues: (a) I don't know how to turn program listing (verbatim code) from xml to (perhaps, vim-based) syntax highlighting (but most importantly, to make sure that line breaks work properly) (b) some section titles are missing Ad (a). The source that looks similar to this: <programlisting language="cpp" linenumbering="unnumbered"> int main() { return 0; } </programlisting> should be converted into some kind of equivalent of % on top \usemodule[vim] \definevimtyping [CPP] [syntax=cpp] \startCPP int main() { return 0; } \stopCPP In the attachment I have the source document (test.adoc), the generated docbook xml that should be further processed, and test.tex that one processes to get the final pdf. Any hints would be greatly appreciated. Mojca