14 Nov
14 Nov
8:24 a.m.
Hi Peter, I am not sure what you want achieve here. Can you create a fake table that shows what you have in mind? Taco (Also, I assume you meant \hphantom not \v...?) Peter Münster wrote:
Hello, concerning this subject, I have another feature request:
\unexpanded\def\HideV#1{\vphantom{#1}} \starttext \chardef\characteralignmentmode=5 % align on left side of the character \setupTABLE[aligncharacter=yes] \bTABLE \bTR\bTD 1,23\%\eTD\eTR \bTR\bTD 12,3\%\eTD\eTR \bTR\bTD 123\HideV,\%\eTD\eTR \eTABLE
From the first row to the last, the numbers 1, 2 and 3 should be aligned. \stoptext
Cheers, Peter