Dear list members,
I experienced even more issues with specifying 'number=no' in \setuphead
(for any level).
This seems not only to affect the numbering of figures and tables, but
also the numbering of enumerations (it ignores the options
'way=bychapter, prefix=chapter') and the section numbering ('1.0',
'2.0', etc) in \setupheadertexts
Sytse Knypstra
On 15-12-15 09:45, Jan Willem Flamma
I ran into the following issue related to figure/float numbering. I use numbered chapters, sections, subsections and unnumbered subsubsections. See minimal example below. Figure numbering works as expected in the numbered chapters, sections and subsections. Figures get numbered: Figure 1.1 The figure numbering is unexpected in the unnumbered sub subsection: Figures get numbered: Figure 2 (in stead of the expected Figure 1.2) I would like all figures (and floats) to be numbered in sequence according the chapter numbering: Chapter 1: Figure 1.1, Figure 1.2, Table 1.3, Figure 1.4, etc Chapter 2: Figure 2.1, Figure 2.2 etc I've tried several \setupcaptions options but was unable to solve so far. Everything works as expected when using a numbered subsubsection so the problem is somehow related to the number=no option Minimal example: \setuphead[chapter, section, subsection] \setuphead[subsubsection] [number=no] ... etc