19 Nov
19 Nov
7:52 p.m.
I am trying to insert unicode charater 217D (a cross) into a line of text. I cannot figure out how to do it, or if it can be done.
You probably mean U+217D, not U+271D. This is one of the famous Zapf dingbats, available in dedicated fonts; you don't really need Unicode fonts in order to typeset it. Try the instructions by Adam Lindsay (http://web.archive.org/web/20061130021250/homepage.mac.com/atl/tex/ZapfDingb...) An alternative with Mark IV: just find a font that contains that character. You can look for it with BabelPad on Windows / UnicodeChecker on Mac OS / gucharmap on Linux. Then, just use the font with the \definefont command. Arthur