Hans Hagen wrote:
Thomas A. Schmitz wrote:
... it's still missing a few features (I don't think it can post-process pdf-files yet) and has a few buglets...
it should at least i remember writing some code -)
Here is an old example: ------------------------------------ \defineregister[Name][Names] \setupregister[Name][pagestyle=\it] \setupregister[Name][bf][pagestyle=\bf] \starttext Names: \Name[bf::]{Hans} \Name{Taco} \startregister[Name][bf::]{Patrick} \page[yes] \Name{Hans} \stopregister[Name][bf::]{Patrick} \page[yes] \Name{Patrick} \placeregister[Name] \stoptext -------------------------------------- Regrettably, I have now no time to install and check the new version of newtexexec.rb, so perhaps it is already done. Please, for quick check focus on 'Patrick' entry, it should have "1--2, 3" page numbers. Or more complex example: ------------------------------------ \defineregister[Name][Names] \setupregister[Name] \setupregister[Name][bf][pagestyle=\bf] \starttext Names: \Name{Patrick} \Name[bf::]{Hans} \Name{Taco} \startregister[Name][bf::]{Patrick} \page[yes] \Name{Patrick} \page[yes] \Name{Hans} \stopregister[Name][bf::]{Patrick} \placeregister[Name] \stoptext -------------------------------------- Possible variants: 1) Patrick 1, 2, {\bf 1--3} 2) Patrick {\bf 1--3}, 1, 2 3) Patrick 1--2, {\bf 1--3} 4) Patrick {\bf 1--3}, 1--2 in case of variants 1 v. 2 and 3 v. 4 I am not sure how the categories 'empty_string' and "bf" are sorted. But it does not matter since user can set any category name. variants 3, 4 should be set if some register option (coupling?) is set on vit