On Wed, 27 Feb 2008 09:44:32 +0100
"Thomas A. Schmitz"
On Feb 26, 2008, at 3:59 PM, Hans Hagen wrote:
I uploaded a beta release. The biggest change is that image inclusion in mkiv has changed. Currently it's still some mix of tex and lua code, and the backend code is somewhat messy (and not complete yet) but it's a first step towards lua doing things. This will only work with a e recent luatex.
Hi Hans,
there appears to be a bug in the new image inclusion: my images are only found when I give the extension explicitly. So this does work:
while this doesn't:
(Glad I don't have to write about Greek patterns for a change...)
Hi Hans, there is also another bug in combination with floats. \starttext \placefigure {A black rule} {\blackrule} \stoptext The extra number after the float is insert by "\dofloatinfomessage" in page-flt.tex and this did happen because you added the \setmessagetext in the last beta and the command has only two parameters, not three as use below. \def\dofloatinfomessage#1#2#3% {\bgroup \showmessage\m!floatblocks{#2}{#3}% \setmessagetext\m!floatblocks{#2}{#3}% \@EA\floatinfo\@EA#1\@EA{\currentmessagetext}% \egroup} Wolfgang