On Sun, 15 Apr 2018, Hans Hagen wrote:
\start \def\obeyedline{\blank[line]} \obeylines
Thanks! Not sure why I wasn't using that since the beginning. I am testing with the latest beta and I get another bug with reading http files. This is a simplified version of what I use in the filter module: \unprotect \def\AnyFilename#1% {\ctxcommand{getreadfilename("any",".","#1")}} \def\ProcessFile#1% {\edef\InputFile{\AnyFilename{#1}}% \InputFile \typefile[\InputFile]} \protect \starttext \ProcessFile{http://cim.mcgill.ca/~adityam/index.html} \stoptext With the latest beta, I get the following error: ...inimals/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/file-res.lua:147: bad argument #1 to 'find' (string expected, got nil) stack traceback: [C]: in function 'string.find' ...inimals/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/file-res.lua:147: in upvalue 'action1' [string "local action = tokens._action..."]:4: in field 'getreadfilename' [ctxlua]:1: in main chunk Not sure why #1 is being passed to the lua function instead of the expanded value of "#1". Aditya