On 11/12/21 18:13, Henning Hraban Ramm via ntg-context wrote:
You’re right, tabular numbers are nonproportional. I meant versal (“normal”) numbers in opposite of oldstyle (mediaeval) numbers.
I think there are two mutually exclusive feature pairs that you're mixing up: lnum vs onum: lining numbers versus old style numbers; "lining" having no descenders, but sitting on the line. pnum vs tnum: proportional vs tabulate numbers. As the name suggests, the latter look better where numbers are vertically aligned because each numeral will take exactly the same space, so tables, but also footnotes etc. The former of course will look better in running text. Add to this that numbers can also be subscript or superscript. Some very extensive professional fonts have surprising combinations of these features, so in the end, one has to do what you did: fiddle with featuresets until the result looks right. Thomas