10 Feb
10 Feb
2:45 p.m.
On 2016-02-10 14:13:37 +0000, Hans Hagen said:
Ok, good to know. Any suggestion on how to select a font within a .ttc?
normally by name
Btw, I read in the wiki(*) that “the current version of LuaTeX (0.60) has severe problems dealing with the new TrueType collection fonts in Snow Leopard (Mac OS 10.6).”
0.60 is ancient ... we have approx 0.90 now
Is that still the case with the current LuaTeX (I am on El Capitan)? That might explain my results.
i don't use osx but others can tell you
What is the best practice: do you recommended using only ttf and otf fonts?
ttc is okay
So, if someone using OS X could tell me how to, say, use Avenir Light or Avenir Next Ultra Light (both are .ttc), that would be much appreciated :) Nicola