Hi Patrick, On Tue, 27 Mar 2007 16:26:10 +0200, Patrick Gundlach wrote:
Enter \sub and press the escape key (several times). Then you can use the tab key for further information.
Ahh! The escape-key!! On my machine (up to now) this was already assigned to "enter snippet" for Butler (by petermaurer.de). BTW: Highly recommendable this little Mac-application!
2) You assigned F9 to texexec and so on.
(btw: I'll probably change that to cmd-R for the sake of compatibility to existing textmate standards)
When, for some rare reason, I need to change the texexec a bit (with additional options or such), where to do so?
find the 'texexec' command in the bundle editor: Bundles -> Bundle-Editor -> Edit Commands. (In the ConTeXt bundle of course.)
If you think that your changes are useful for other users, please share them!
The internals will change in the future.
3) Probably a similar (stupid) question: You wrote "the variable PDF_VIEWER, the default is 'Preview'. You can try anything that you can use as an argument for 'open'..." Well, where do I find this in order to have a try?
See http://macromates.com/textmate/manual/environment_variables 9.4 (at the very end). Does this information already help you?
Well, does it mean that I have to define a project-variable (tmproj) for each project in order to overwrite the default? Inside of ConTeXt.tmbundle I couldn't find a *.tmproj file ... Steffen