On Mon, 20 Jun 2011 15:39:21 +0200
Wolfgang Schuster
Am 20.06.2011 um 14:56 schrieb Thomas Schmitz:
How? I can only see the option of creating a whole new set of footnotes, which is not at all what I want:
The following is the best i can do (to change the symbol each \MyNote you need a counter for it):
\define[1]\MyNote {\bgroup \savenumber [footnote]% \resetnumber[footnote]% \setupnote[footnote][numberconversion=set 2]% \footnote{#1}% \restorenumber[footnote]% \egroup}
This is just a test!\MyNote{With a footnote attached.}
This is just a test!\footnote{With a footnote attached.}
Thanks Wolfgang! This "starred" footnote is often used for acknowledgments etc. in articles, and it's always the first note, often appended to the title. So I come back to my first attempt: this does work, and unless one wants unusual symbols in the middle of ordinary footnotes, seems like the easiest solution: \setupfootnotes[rule=off] \starttext This is just a test!{\setupfootnotes[numberconversion=set 2]\footnote{With a footnote attached.}\resetnumber[footnote]} This is just a test!\footnote{With a footnote attached.} \stoptext Thomas