Thank you very much; this was again very helpful. I am still having a problem with left-justifying the date: \setupletterlayer[reference][alternative=c] does not properly left-justify the date; the date is towards the left but is aligned several mm to the right of the other text. (This was true on the mwe that Wolfgang sent.) BTW are the values for the "alternative" key (example, e, c, etc.) documented somewhere? Thank you again. Best, Michael
Message: 5 Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 14:57:33 +0200 From: Wolfgang Schuster
To: mailing list for ConTeXt users Subject: Re: [NTG-context] Some questions about the letter module Message-ID: Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252" Am 18.07.2013 um 03:12 schrieb Michael Ash
: Dear Wolfgang,
Thank you very much. This is very helpful.
One note is that to center the footer required
Of course, the alignment is a framed feature.
(NOT \setupletterlayer. Per http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Letter#Setup)
A couple more questions. (1) is there a more efficient way to indent only the content of the letter:
\setupindenting[yes,small] \setuplettersection[opening][indenting=no] \setuplettersection[subject][indenting=no] \setuplettersection[closing][indenting=no] \setuplettersection[signature][indenting=no]
You can use \setupletteroptions[indenting=?] which only passed to the content section.
(2) The following did not properly left-justify the date (the date was towards the left but was not perfectly aligned with the other left-justified text): \setupletterlayer[reference][alternative=e]
This should be alternative c and not e.
%\setupletterlayer[reference][alternative=c,list=reference] % default: list=date %\setupletter[reference=\currentdate]
\startletter \input knuth \stopletter