Hi, I'm using mkII because I wasn't able to make mkIV work on my Windows. Anyway thank you for answer It helped me. I have just one another question. How should I write parametr "lefthyphenmin". I mean precise dimension. I tryed several possibilities but none of them worked. Thank you Tomas Pustelnik
Hi, I'm student at Faculty of Informatics at Masaryk university and I'm writing bachelor's thesis this year. One part of the thesis is to document language support and implementation in ConTeXt so someone can use it to implement new language. Right now I'm stuck with command \installlannguage. I can't figure out what these parametres are doing: \c!leftsentence=---, \c!rightsentence=---, \c!leftsubsentence=---, \c!rightsubsentence=---, So I'would really appreciated some more info about them. Thank you for your answers.
are you using context mkiv? it makes sense to focus on that as the main development happens there and it's also more fun
anyway, these parameters are related to:
test |<|bla|>| test
and nested usage; the meaning of --- depends on the font settings as well (tex ligature)