Am 06.04.10 00:19, schrieb Tom:
It took me awhile to sort through all the code to find what was creating the problem. It appears that the code for the first page of a chapter is the culprit but I don't know why it's causing the problem.
\definepagebreak[mychapterpagebreak][yes,header,right] %eliminates headers on blank pages
You change the style of the number but suppress it in the output, i guess there is some reason for this and i don't understand it.
\def\ChapterTitle#1#2{ \centerline{\switchtobodyfont[ChapterStart,18pt]{\ss\bf #2}} \godown[.5in]}
\setuphead[chapter] [command= \ChapterTitle,textstyle=bold,header=empty,footer=empty, page=mychapterpagebreak, numbercommand={\switchtobodyfont[big]{\ss\sl}}]
\setuphead[chapter][indentnext=yes] but i think the setup is used here just for fun. Wolfgang