-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: ntg-context
Im Auftrag von Pablo Rodriguez via ntg-context Gesendet: Mittwoch, 27. Oktober 2021 15:43 An: Denis Maier via ntg-context Cc: Pablo Rodriguez Betreff: Re: [NTG-context] XML-processing: Error with hyphenatedurl On 10/27/21 3:03 PM, Denis Maier via ntg-context wrote:
[...] I’ve receiving errors that seem to be related to hyphenatedurl. The problem is I cannot really reproduce it in a MWE. The example below works, but if I include the link in my real document, I’am getting this error message (copied from -error.log): [...] Two things seemed to make it work: 1. Remove the link. 2. Comment out \expandUx in this setup:
Hi Denis,
in my environments to typeset XML sources, I never need \expandUx, why do you needit?
I've had a problem with special characters in URLs. Wolfgang suggested to use \expandUx: https://www.mail-archive.com/ntg-context@ntg.nl/msg95959.html
Another approach (I don’t know whether this will work in your real-world document) might be using \xmlpure instead of \xmlflush as in:
That works. Thank you. Denis