Hi Ulrich, Ulrich Dirr wrote:
Afaics, everything else looks ok.
But has no effect :-(
I was apparently still sleeping when I wrote that. Here is what works for me: % engine=luatex \definefontfeature [default][default] [protrusion=quality,expansion=quality,mode=node,script=latn] \definetypeface[kievit][rm][serif][times][default] \definetypeface[kievit][ss][serif][times][default] \definetypeface[kievit][tt][mono][modern][default][rscale=1.12] \definetypeface[kievit][mm][math][iwona] [default][rscale=1.02] \setupbodyfont[kievit,ss,10pt] \starttext \showframe \setupalign[hanging] \input tufte \stoptext % I used [serif][times] instead of [sans][kievit] because I don't have the font, but that should not matter. Things to note: * The relative ordering of commands matters, your \definefontfeature was too late. I'll try to document that in the manual. * You only need \usetypescript[xxx] if the \definetypeface commands are actually inside of a \starttypescript[xxx] block. * It turns out I could not use [features=hz] because at a lower level [times] already sets up [features=default], and that setting wins over the high-level one. But in your new setup for kievit, you could also do it this way: \definefontfeature [hz][default] [protrusion=quality,expansion=quality,mode=node,script=latn] \definetypeface[kievit][rm][serif][times][default][features=hz] just make sure not to attach any [features=...] to the \definefontsynonym commands. Best wishes, Taco