On Tue, Apr 05, 2005 at 06:17:39PM +0200, Patrick Gundlach wrote:
Sorry to say, but in this case, no solution would be much better than this solution.
Really? Wow! So if if the requirements for some document are hanging indents footnotes, and I have asked how to do them on the mailing list, and no one gives me a solution; and I then use my solution and create a nice looking document and satisfy the requirements, say for the thesis committee--that is *worse* than producing a document that does not fulfill the requirements and is not accepted? Wow, that's amazing that Patrick Gunlach as power over the editors and committees.
There is nothing(!) worse than mixing visual markup with logical markup this way.
Except no solution at all when you have a deadline to meet and must produce a document. Or except global warming. A little perspective would be nice.
We are in a fully programmable environment, and it is extremely unConTeXtish to hack the visual appearance.
I am an XML author, so am pretty amazed to hear that one should not mix appearance and content in ConTeXt. Most of a ConTeXt document involves visual appearance. What is one saying when one writes \blank[12pt]?
If I have some minutes off tonight, I'll look into it. But I'd guess that Hans already has several different solutions to this problem, because every time I write "no solution yet" on this mailinglist, Hans presents some unknown/forgotten secret.
Yes, that would be nice. But until I see a concrete solution, I will continue to use and post my solution. A rule of etiquette is that if you don't have a better solution, or don't want to document it, don't attack the current solution, not matter how impure. Paul -- ************************ *Paul Tremblay * *phthenry@iglou.com * ************************