Does ConText always process DOCTYPE definitions? Because in the next example the defined XXX entity is substituted in one case but not in the other. In a directory I have the following files: doctype.tex = \startxmlsetups demo:setups \xmlsetsetup{#1}{root}{demo:*} \stopxmlsetups \xmlregistersetup{demo}{demo:setups} \startxmlsetups demo:root \xmlflush{#1} \stopxmlsetups \startbuffer[demo] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE Entities [<!ENTITY XXX "My xxx definition">]> <root> See &XXX; for &XXX;. </root> \stopbuffer \starttext \xmlprocessbuffer{demo}{demo}{} \stoptext Produces as output a subtituted entity But doctype-public.tex = \startxmlsetups demo:setups \xmlsetsetup{#1}{root}{demo:*} \stopxmlsetups \xmlregistersetup{demo}{demo:setups} \startxmlsetups demo:root \xmlflush{#1} \stopxmlsetups \startbuffer[demo] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE Entities PUBLIC "namen.dtd" "file://namen.dtd"><root> See &XXX; for &XXX;. </root> \stopbuffer \starttext \xmlprocessbuffer{demo}{demo}{} \stoptext namen.dtd = <!ENTITY XXX "This is my XXX definition"> The last two do not output a substituted entity. Why is this not working? What I am doing wrong? dr. Hans van der Meer