luigi.scarso wrote:
Vit Zyka wrote:
before I started to use context I had prepared some diagrams in xypic.
Me too, for some notes on a course on commutative algebra when I was student at university.
It was the only way I knew for creating vector graphics for both tex and pdftex with text and graphics interaction possibility.
I try xfig with poor results.
With 'interaction possibilitity' I meant e.g. text labeling with the same fonts and possibilities as in the main text (math...), length parametrization. It is not possile in xfig.
3) Metapost is naturaly incorporated to context, strongly supported, higher possibilities and (my opinion) much more intuitive.
Yes, I love metafun. But a mp graphic must be preprocessed by mpost for inclusion, and I can do it only if I can execute sysytems commands; this open a security and performance issues.
It is true only for very advanced features like text along line, AFAIK. For framed text it is possible to run mpost manually with several passes of tex.
So: "Can I typeset a framedbox with a rulestyle WITHOUT using MetaPost ?"
(Rulestyle?) Frames with only plain \hrule and \vrule is of course possible even with plain TeX. But it is probably not what you mean. vit