Dear list, I’d like to know the best approach to make this a bit more usable. I’m trying to typeset a table with sin/cos/tan values. I’d like to be able to convert the angles in degrees into radians (with math notation) and to compute the trigonometric function leading to sin(pi/4) = 1/2, or cos(pi/6) = sqrt(3)/2 and display it in math mode. Here’s my current MWE, where I fail to convert the angles in radians and fail to display the result in symbolic form. \starttext \startluacode local angleList = {0, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 135, 150, 180, 210, 225, 240, 270, 300, 315, 330, 360} context.bTABLE() context.bTR() context.bTD() context("$x$") context.eTD() context.bTD() context("$0$") context.eTD() for _, a in ipairs(angleList) do context.bTD() context("$\letterpercent.0f$",a) context.eTD() end context.eTR() context.bTR() context.bTD() context("$\\cos(x)$") context.eTD() for _, a in ipairs(angleList) do context.bTD() context("$\letterpercent.3f$",math.cos(math.rad(a))) context.eTD() end context.eTR() context.bTR() context.bTD() context("$\\sin(x)$") context.eTD() for _, a in ipairs(angleList) do context.bTD() context("$\letterpercent.3f$",math.sin(math.rad(a))) context.eTD() end context.eTR() context.bTR() context.bTD() context("$\\tan(x)$") context.eTD() for _, a in ipairs(angleList) do if a == 90 or a == 270 then context.bTD() context("$-$") context.eTD() else context.bTD() context("$\letterpercent.3f$",math.tan(math.rad(a))) context.eTD() end end context.eTR() context.eTABLE() \stopluacode \stoptext \stoptext One possible way would be to use Python and the t-filter module, like this \usemodule[filter] %It depends on your OS. In mine it's python3 \defineexternalfilter [pythontyping] [filtercommand={python3 \externalfilterinputfile \space > \externalfilteroutputfile}, output={\externalfilterbasefile.tex}, cache=yes, readcommand=\typefile, spacebefore=medium, spaceafter=medium] %We copy settings to save typing \defineexternalfilter[pythonformula][pythontyping] %But instead of typing, we input a formula \setupexternalfilter[pythonformula] [readcommand=\samplefile] %\input should also work \starttext Convert angle to radians: $\startpythonformula from sympy import * print(latex(pi/180*60)) \stoppythonformula$ Compute trigonometric function: $\startpythonformula from sympy import * print(latex(cos(pi/3))) \stoppythonformula$ \stoptext However, I haven’t managed so far to combine things (lua and Python) in an automatic way. How should I proceed? A. Christe