Thanks a lot Wolfgang for your help, Am Mon, Sep 13, 2021 at 01:33:36PM +0200 schrieb Wolfgang Schuster via ntg-context:
Like this?
\setuphead [chapter] [page=yes, alternative=inmargin, location=outer, align=outer]
\setuppagenumbering [alternative=doublesided]
\starttext \dorecurse{10}{\expanded{\chapter{Chapter \convertnumber{word}{\recurselevel}}}} \stoptext
this looks interesting, but it's not quite what I want. I think I would like to have a different solution on left and right pages. | 1. Headline on left | 2. Headline on the right page | | page | | lorem ipsum, dolor | | lorem ipsum, dolor | sit amet | | sit amet. | | The text area stops at "dolor". So the long headline on page 2 should run into the outermargin. Sorry, I must confess that I am still experimenting with my layout. The outer margin is quite big so that the headline on right pages should run into the margin to balance the look. Is it possible to put headline in an area combined from margin+textarea? juh -- Autoren-Homepage: ......... http://literatur.hasecke.com Satiren & Essays: ......... http://www.sudelbuch.de Privater Blog: ............ http://www.hasecke.eu Netzliteratur-Projekt: .... http://www.generationenprojekt.de