I found that in some cases bidi text seems to inhibit protrusion feature in text typesetting in LMTX (works fine with luatex 1.10).
MWE below (difference is in first paragraph, second is for comparison and is same in both):
\definefontfamily[mainfont][serif][EBGaramond][features={protrusion=quality, expansion=quality}]
\setupbodyfont[mainfont, 14pt]
\def\HSize{108.78508pt} % hardcoded from page layout
\setupalign[normal, hanging, morehyphenation, hz, verytolerant, stretch]
ou/ vehement car {\setupalign[r2l]mehev} se prent aucunesfois
pour hault/ excellent/ & puissant.
ou/ vehement car vehem se prent aucunesfois
pour hault/ excellent/ & puissant.