On 9/11/07, Henning Hraban Ramm
Am 2007-09-11 um 02:53 schrieb Arthur Reutenauer:
Note for Hraban: this problem is apparently special to markups, that somehow the minus signs loses his letterhood when used in a markup. The fault lies obviously with Lilypond, since when I try to compile the following exact line (with the added curly braces):
{ \markup \fret-diagram #"s:0.75;f:1;6-x;5-x;4-o; 3-2-1;2-3-3;1-2-2;" }
Lilypond seems to suddenly forget that the minus is part of the command and complains about an "unknown escaped string: `\fret'".
I have no idea what to do in t-lilypond to fix it. Maybe you know?
Sorry, the catcode code is not by me, and I understand it only partly - I'm able to write PostScript and a lot of other languages, but TeX and Scheme are too obscure for me. Perhaps we can re-implement the module in Lua...
If you come up with a fix, I'll gladly put it in the module.
(There's still a lot more to be fixed/extended; since I'll have to finish my songbook soon, I'll have to cope with some of that...)
Greetlings from Lake Constance! Hraban ---
Arthur, tanks for your kind reply! I'll try it when I get home. It was a bit confusing with the - for me, but I should have tried the catcode solution! Actually, I want to typeset only fret-diagrams, no notes. Maybe I should look that up in the Lilypond manual (if it is possible). The lacking of {}'s was because of the error I got without them. Hraban, thanks for bringing a nice module! /Micke P