On Mon, 25 Nov 2002 17:46:30 +0100
Hans Hagen
* How to install the FontSite-500 CD font collection for ConTeXt, with an archive of scripts and sample files.
Looks interesting (currently downloading the pdf), how complete are those font sets? Regular/Bold/Italic/SmallCaps?
As Bruce says, it varies. There are some pretty complete families, as can be seen in the pdf catalogs. (I believe the LaTeX installation does not include all the fonts yet. Mine does, but just takes them as texfont gives them). There were complaints on comp.text.tex about poor quality (in some cases) of specific fonts. I bought the collection to have access to more titling fonts, as for book covers and advertising. Fonts that are appropriate for body text are too light for titles. I will experiment with the book face fonts in the collection, but unless they really excellent I'll probably buy a licensed version from a font vendor before using it in a real project. Even if so, it is good to have a cheap collection for light duty use, mockups, etc. -Bill -- Sattre Press Tales of War http://sattre-press.com/ by Lord Dunsany info@sattre-press.com http://tow.sattre-press.com/