On Mon, Dec 23, 2024 at 6:03 PM Julius Ross
I have noticed something with the way ConTeXt is treating math kerns that I do not understand.
Consider a prescript such as \startformula H^^^M \stopformula
If the math.tl anchor on H is negative then the M is moved to the left (i.e away from the H). This is the opposite of what I would have expected, but perhaps I am confused. Also if the math.tl anchor on H is positive then ConTexT appears to be ignoring this kerning, and the position of the M is unchanged.
Is this expected, or is this behaviour subject to some setting? The version of ConTeXt used is pasted below.
You can try to also set the leftbottom kern to a negative value. These were at some point made to align, because prescripts were mainly used for chemistry, and different alignment on top and bottom did look weird in the examples we looked at. I think that if the logic is about to change, real user examples are needed, with explanations on what one expects, where, and also why. /Mikael