urban.m@ca.rr.com schrieb am 28.04.2024 um 19:54:
I swear I used to understand this stuff. I plead old age. Why do I get two different results from the float placements here:
\definefloat[mysidebar][mysidebars] \setupfloat[mysidebar][leftmargindistance=-.25in,rightmargindistance=-.25in,outer,none]
1. You can't pass assignments and keywords to the same argument. 2. The \setupfloat command accepts only assignments as arguments, this means "outer" and "none" are ignored. To set a default location for the float use \setupfloat[...][default={outer,none}]
\defineframedtext [sidebartext] [width=.4\textwidth,bodyfont=small,corner=round,background=color,backgroundcolor=lightgray,align=flushleft]
\starttext This is a bit of text \placefloat[sidebar][leftmargindistance=-.25in,rightmargindistance=-.25in,outer,none]{}{
1. You're again passing assignments and keywords with a single argument. 2. The \placefloat commands accepts only keywords and ignores all assignments, this means your distance settings have no effect. Wolfgang