2007/12/3, Hans Hagen
Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
2007/12/3, Peter Münster
: Hello,
I get unexpected output with this test-file:
% engine=luatex \definesynonyms[test][tests] \test{testOne}{first test} \test{testTwo}{second test} \starttext \testOne \placelistoftests \stoptext
I would expect:
testOne testOne first test
but I get:
testOne test testOne
(Perhaps a problem with parameter numbers #1, #2 etc. ?)
Cheers, Peter
Hi Peter,
this is a bug in the mkiv sorting macros, I posted a similiar message a few days ago but got no answer.
\def\mksavesortedlistentry#1#2#3#4% class key entry meaning
seems to work
this line should be \def\mksavesortedlistentry#1#2#3#4% class key entry meaning {\immediatewriteutilitytua{table.insert(js['#1'],{'e','#1',\!!bs#2\!!es,\!!bs#3\!!es})}} but there is also a big in core-syn.lua the following works for me, the order is "key, value" and not "value, key". I patched this at the moment in my format files and the output of the synonym table is now correct :-) function job.loadsortedlist(class) if job.sortedlists[class] then if not sorters.list.data[class] then sorters.list.data[class] = { language = 'en', entries = { }, flush = function(s) tex.sprint(tex.ctxcatcodes,s) end, sorted = false, class = class } local entries = sorters.list.data[class].entries for k,v in ipairs(job.sortedlists[class]) do if v[1] == 'l' then -- language sorters.list.data[class].language = v[2] else entries[#entries+1] = { v[1], -- kind (e) { { v[2], v[3] } }, -- key, entry v[4] -- optional meaning } end end end sorters.list.process(sorters.list.data[class]) end end Wolfgang