On Mon, 16 Jul 2007, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
Quoting Horacio Suarez
: This is an exaple, I hope it´s ok. If you coment/uncoment one of the \dorecurse lines at a time you will see. Even if there is enough place to place the foonotes, in the first case the notes jumps to a new page.
This seems to be a bug in start/stop columns. From what I remember, columns causes a page break if sum of the two columns is greater than the page length. Here is an example.
Here is a fix. Caveat: I do not completely understand multi-columns, so be careful while using this fix. \def\multicolumnseject {%\message{\the\pagetotal,\the\textheight}% %AM: Added divide my nofcolumns \ifdim\dimexpr\pagetotal/\nofcolumns>\textheight \eject % new \else \allowbreak \fi}
\dorecurse{10}{ \chapter Capitulo1--\recurselevel{}
% Aca va texto\footnote{foot uno}
\dorecurse{\recurselevel}{\input tufte\par}
% Aca más texto\footnote{foot dos}
\section Notas
\input tufte
} \stoptext