I've finally managed to set up my first project (a project file, an environment file, a product file and two components). It works quite reasonably, but only until I try to introduce a local environment that would only apply to this product (and not the 3-4 others I expect this project to contain at a later date). I do not understand how to make it work. First I tried to make a local environment as a part of my environment file, like this: \startlocalenvironment[gl-01] \setupheadertexts[Start-up instructions][GL-01] \stoplocalenvironment If I understand correctly, I could implement this local environment by adding the command \localenvironment[gl-01] somewhere - but where: in the project file before or after the name of the product in question or in the product file somewhere? I also tried making a separate file gl-01_env.tex which says \startlocalenvironment \setupheadertexts[Start-up instructions][GL-01] \stoplocalenvironment Now it could be implemented by giving the command \localenvironment gl-01_env but again, I'm at loss as to where the command should be given. An additional problem seems to be that my ConTeXt is old enough (if it ain't broke, don't fix it - so updates are pending) to be subject to missing English synonyms; however, the fix suggested in http://ml-archives.mini.pw.edu.pl/ntg-context/msg06984.html (using Dutch equivalents for some commands) doesn't seem to work for me, possible because of the problems above; I haven't yet managed to figure out which command goes where. I would be grateful indeed if I got a simple example on how to implement one local environment to one product and another one to another product. Or, if there's another manual for the project structure (not the beginner's manual or the big one, both have the same text without any examples, neither has definitions on the localenvironment commands), just give me a pointer...