Hi all, I'm trying to manipulate some inserts from Lua in LuaMetaTeX, and I'm having some problems that I'm not having with LuaTeX. First, how do I get an insert's class/type from the "insert" nodes on the page? With LuaTeX, the insert's class/type is the same as the subtype of the "ins" nodes, but the subtype of the "insert" nodes is always zero in LuaMetaTeX, so I'm not sure how to get the class/type. Second, how do I get the head of the insert box from Lua? With LuaTeX, from TeX you would use "\box<class>" and from Lua you can use "tex.box[<class>]". With LuaMetaTeX, you use "\insertbox<class>" from TeX, but I'm not sure how to get at the insert box from Lua. The context for both of these is that my module lua-widow-control sometimes moves a line containing footnotes to the next page, so I need to do some surgery to make sure that the "footnote marks" stay with the "footnote text". This is tricky but doable with LuaTeX, but I can't seem to get it to work with the new inserts in LuaMetaTeX, hence the above questions. Thanks, -- Max