Am 06.07.23 um 21:27 schrieb Henning Hraban Ramm:
* I don’t understand why the white fill is not opaque.
Posted too early. I do understand now (overlapping outlines). Tried to fix it by overwriting the text again in white, but now I don’t understand how to calculate the shifting: """ \setupbodyfont[ss,24pt] \definecolor[tshade][t=.05,a=1,k=1] \starttexdefinition MyCaption #1 \startMPcode{doublefun} steps := 10 ; rulesize := BodyFontSize/steps/3; for step = 1 upto steps: draw lmt_outline [ text = "\bf #1", %style = "bold", % doesn’t work kind = "both", fillcolor = "white", drawcolor = "tshade", rulethickness = (step*rulesize), ] xshifted -193; % why is this shifted at all? endfor; draw lmt_text [ text = "#1", style = "bold", color = "white", ] yshifted (steps*rulesize); \stopMPcode \stoptexdefinition \starttext \MyCaption{Eine wunderschöne Bildunterschrift} \MyCaption{Ein ganz anderer Text} \stoptext """ Hraban