On Tue, 23 Feb 2016 14:30:25 +0000
Christoph Reller
(btw, footnotes will always be sort of a pain as they are rendered in special ways, but footnotes should be forbidden anyway; if a doc is also for screen endnotes are way better)
I agree with you about footnotes. And, as mentioned above, I will try to come up with decent example documents. There are still cases in my documents that don't work and i will try to minimize these.
As a reader (of bound books), I very much prefer footnotes (at the bottom of the printed page) to endnotes. I actually read footnotes so shuffling back and forth between sections of the book can be a pain. Of course, this is not the case for on-screen readers. Reading on a screen one can have two approaches: either it is like reading a book (in which case I like to use dual mode on a large screen) or else one is reading a screen document in a continuous scroll mode (in which case pages including headers and footers make no sense). Using this second approach, footnotes must be used as endnotes, but not in the first approach. Alan