Iā€™d like to travese the contents of an xml.collected() in a reverse order. I have

    for connectionFromXML in xml.collected(viewFromXML,"/connection") do
      parseXMLConnection( rootFromXML, connectionFromXML, viewFromXML, rootFromOverrideXML)

I tried:

    local relationTable = xml.collected(viewFromXML,"/connection")
    for i=#relationTable, 1, -1 do
      connectionFromXML = relationTable[i]
      parseXMLConnection( rootFromXML, connectionFromXML, viewFromXML, rootFromOverrideXML)

But apparently my lua knowledge is lacking (severely, I might say) as this ends with ā€œattempt to get length of a function value ā€œ

What is the correct way to do it?