Hello again, * snip *
I could reproduce the result and have also a fix but I don't know what the correct reults should be and other people like Aditya should decide if it makes sense to change the current behaviour.
\def\startdisplaymath {\ifgridsnapping \beforedisplayspace \snapmathtogrid\vbox
* snip *
This fix seems not to solve the problem entirely. With this fix applied, If one now put a formula inside an enumeration one gets "double" space before the formula. This is a test file that shows the problem: %%% Test file \setupindenting[yes,small] \indenting[next] \def\testtext{This is just some text so we see better what happens.} \def\testexpr{% \par \testtext \startformula f(x)= \sin(x) \stopformula \testtext \par } \defineenumeration[example] [text=Example, location=serried, width=fit, distance=0.5em, way=bysection, ] \starttext \testexpr % OK if fix is applied, otherwise to little space before the formula \startexample \testexpr % Too much space before the formula if the fix is applied, otherwise OK. \stopexample \stoptext %%% Stop testfile Best regards, Micke P PS Hans, I save the timing testing for next time I try LuaTeX.