Hi everyone, I want part titles to appear on the own (empty) page, centered horizontally and vertically, and in small caps. To this end, I've set up the \part command as \def\Partcommand#1#2{\centerline{\smcp #2}} \setuphead[part][ placehead=yes, number=no, page=mychapterpagebreak, header=high, footer=high, before={\hbox{}\vfill}, command=\Partcommand, after={\vfill}, prefix=no, ] However, this does not seem to allow line breaks in a part title, which is a problem with very long titles, e.g. \part{Perspectives on Decision Ethics from the USA, Russian Federation, Egypt, and the Czech Republic} Is there any way to get a line break on the part page? I should note that in the TOC, the part title is broken properly, and also observes \crlf. Thanks, Michael